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February 12,2022

Which Appliances Need Dedicated Circuits in Your Home

Does your breaker trip every time you try to thaw frozen food in your microwave? Do the lights occasionally go out when you’re doing a load of laundry, or when you turn on a small appliance on the kitchen counter? Then you probably have overloaded circuits. Ignoring the problem could lead to electrical fires or cause irreparable damage to expensive appliances. Avoid future hassles and safety hazards by investing in a dedicated circuit installation. Are you a homeowner living in Fort Worth, TX or a surrounding DFW neighborhood? If so, then call the experts at Mr. Electric of Fort Worth. We proudly provide a variety of professional services in Fort Worth, Arlington, Burleson, White Settlement, Aledo, Weatherford and other nearby communities. Call today for more information or to schedule an appointment with a certified electrician near you. 

What is a Dedicated Circuit and Why Are They Important?

Areas such as kitchens, laundry rooms and workshops often have multiple large appliances. Some families plug all of their high-tech tools and equipment into a single circuit, causing it too become overloaded. Not only does this wear down your breaker, but it can also overheat your wiring and cause a dangerous electrical fire. When you have a circuit that’s dedicated to a specific major appliance, you’ll have the right amount of power, and won’t need to put you and your family at risk.  

Which Appliances Need a Dedicated Circuit?

Any appliance that uses an unusually large amount of electricity will likely need its own dedicated circuit. The most common home appliances that fall into this category are:

  • Microwave
  • Air Conditioner
  • Hot Tub and Sauna
  • Water Heater
  • Washer and Dryer
  • Dishwasher
  • Deep Freezer
  • Stove and Oven
  • Sump Pump
  • Electric Furnace
  • Refrigerator
  • Garbage Disposal
  • Certain Heavy Duty Power Tools and Landscaping Equipment

How Can You Tell if You Already Have a Dedicated Circuit?

Thankfully, there’s no need to move your heavy appliances to find out if you already have a dedicated circuit for your appliances. The service panel box, also known as the breaker box, should have a labeled switch for all the circuits in your home. If you see multiple labels on a single switch, this likely indicates that your circuits are overloaded. If they aren’t label, or you believe they may be improperly labeled, it’s best to call a certified electrician in Fort Worth for a thorough inspection. It’s important that your home stays up to code, not only for the wellbeing of your home and loved ones, but also for legal reasons if you ever decide to put your property on the market. 

Do You Need a Dedicated Circuit Installation in Fort Worth, Texas? Call Mr. Electric Today

Is it time for your next electrical inspection, energy audit, dedicated circuit installation or circuit repair? Then call the experienced professionals at Mr. Electric of Fort Worth. Our licensed and insured electricians are highly trained and ready to put their tools and expertise to work for your DFW home. Call our office today to speak one on one with our friendly, knowledgeable staff and to schedule a time to meet with an electrician in Fort Worth, TX or a nearby city.