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April 21,2024

What Is A “Wall Outlet” Safe?

A professionally installed electrical outlet hooks you up with electricity and a self-installed “wall outlet” safe can help you protect your money. Experience the versatility of electronics by going stealth-mode with your home security. A wall outlet safe is a safety deposit box for small, ultra-valuable items. In the event of an intrusion, an inconspicuous wall outlet is almost guaranteed to safehold your valuables. 

Do-It-Yourself Project

A “Wall Outlet” safe is also a fun and easy DIY project. Have a little fun while buffing up your home’s security with this step-by-step guide to installing your own wall outlet safe. This project is for beginners and can be a great way to get your kids involved in handywork. You can order a safe kit online or purchase it from a retail store near you. The installation is simple, and the necessary tools usually come with the kit.

Things You Will Need

  • A Wall Outlet Safe Kit
  • Stud Finder
  • Pencil
  • Drywall Saw

Get Started

Before you begin, remember to always put safety first. This project does not involve playing with electrical wiring but does require cutting into the wall. Remember, children should be supervised by an adult when using sharp tools.

Step 1: Unpack the wall outlet kit and its components, instructions, and any tools that came with the kit.

Step 2: Select a location. Make sure to select a spot you would expect to see an electrical outlet. Choose a room that is visited infrequently. Also, opt for an area where you expect least electrical wires.

Step 3: Trace an outline. Your wall outlet kit likely came with a stencil. Use a stud finder to make sure your selected spot does not have a stud behind the wall. Trace an outline of the outlet using the stencil.

Step 4: Cut around the outline. Use a drywall saw to cut out an insert for the wall outlet safe. Be careful not to damage any electrical wiring. Contact a local electrician in Fort Worth at Mr. Electric of Fort Worth as soon as possible if you cut any wires on accident.

Step 5: Insert the safe. Drop the safe into place. Most kits come with built-in flanges that will tighten the outlet safe against the wall.

Step 6: Secure the safe in place. The “wall outlet” safe kit should have come with a small screw to help secure the holder into place. Push the screw into place and rotate it 180 degrees using a screwdriver.

All finished! You are now equipped with your own deceptively designed safety deposit box. We hope you enjoyed the process!

Mr. Electric of Fort Worth

Mr. Electric of Fort Worth does not offer installations of “wall outlet” safes but we do offer many electric outlet related services! Call us today if you need child-proof outlets, GFCI outlet installations and replacements, and regular inspections. We offer 24-hour emergency services in our Fort Worth area. No overtime charges! Upfront Pricing! Our professional staff is on standby for your call.