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December 05,2021

LED Bulb Myths You Should Ignore

Have your local utility rates soared recently? Try not to panic. There are many ways that home and business owners can offset the rising costs, including switching to LED lights. Unfortunately, many people neglect to make the change because they’ve heard rumors about LED bulbs that simply aren’t true. At Mr. Electric of Fort Worth, we help local DFW property owners find new ways to improve the safety, effectiveness and efficiency of their electrical system. Are you a North Texas resident whose unsure about installing LEDs? Here is some more information that can help you find solutions for reducing your energy consumptions. 

They Cost Too Much

A decade ago, LED lights were much more expensive than conventional incandescent bulbs. However, todays modern bulbs are a lot more affordable. Single LED bulbs can be found at almost any hardware store, in a variety of models and styles, for only a few dollars. 

LEDs Will Last Forever

Some people wrongly assume that an LED light will last forever. This isn’t the case. LED lights will eventually fade over time, and their longevity can depend on many factors. However, most quality LED bulbs will last for 50,000 hours or more. For most households, a single bulb can last up to 6 years before needing a replacement. 

LED Lights are Unsafe

A lot of individuals have accepted the rumor that LED lights have mercury inside them. In fact, the reverse is true. LED lights do not contain mercury or any other hazardous materials. Fluorescent lights and CFLs do however have mercury.

They Aren’t Bright Enough

The first mass marketed bulbs had more limitations on their capabilities. However, advancements in technology over the past few years have introduced an astounding number of new features, giving today’s LED bulbs the ability to brighten any space. High lumen bulbs are easily available for people who need extra light for hobbies, homework or commercial related tasks.

You Can’t Dim LEDs

Another infamous LED rumor is that there aren’t dimming bulbs available. A few years ago, dimmable LEDs were hard to find and expensive. However, manufacturing improvements and technological innovations have made dimming LED’s available to the marketplace at a much more affordable price point. Better yet, today’s LEDs are easily integrated into smart lighting systems, and offer many exciting features such as color changing bulbs that can help you set up the perfect ambiance for any occasion.

Their Magnetic Ballasts Make Upkeep a Hassle

Magnetic ballast repair and replacement is a common service requirement for people who own incandescent, fluorescent and halide bulbs. However, LED lights do not use magnetic ballasts. Instead, LEDs use electronic drivers for their power delivery.

They Don’t Work in Extreme Temperatures

LED lights are actually designed to withstand extreme temperatures just as well as fluorescents and HIDs. LED bulbs perform exceptionally well in cold environments as well, in conditions that other bulb varieties would struggle with. If you live in a very hot climate, you can find LED bulbs that are designed to be used in such an environment. 

Need a New LED Lighting System? Call Mr. Electric of Fort Worth

Are you looking for ways to reduce your electric bill? Then call the experts at Mr. Electric of Fort Worth. Our certified, licensed and insured electricians offer many professional commercial and residential services including smart lighting system installation, LED bulb replacements, smart home integrations and more. Contact our office today for more information.