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November 15,2019

Electrical Outlet Replacement in Fort Worth

Mr. Electric of Fort Worth offers 24 Hour emergency electrical outlet replacement, repair and installation in Fort Worth, Burleson, Arlington, Aledo, Lake Worth, Weatherford, White Settlement, Saginaw, Benbrook, Mansfield, TX and all surrounding areas in Texas.

Different Types of Electrical Outlets

Electrical outlets can be used to power different types of electrical appliances used both in our homes and at the office. You can use the outlets to power microwave, refrigerator, sound systems, television and the sophisticated gadgets like computers and phones. Because of the importance of electrical outlets, every homeowner must ensure they are in good working condition for the safety of all the inhabitants of the house and to ensure your appliances receive adequate power supply. Damaged, broken or burnt electrical outlets should be changed as fast as possible because they may lead to electrical shock and other complications. It is good that you invite an electrician near you, preferably from Mr. Electric of Fort Worth who are trained to replace any faulty electrical outlet professionally

Compromised outlets should be changed as fast as possible for the reason that they might cause major problems that will be costly to fix and nobody wants to spend money unnecessary. Depending on your choice and budget, you can get different types designs, sharp, size and functionality to be fixed by an electrician at your home. It's good for a homeowner to understand the type of electrical outlet that will be good in his house. The homeowner may decide to go to the standard electrical outlets which are considered to be popular. They include:

Double Prong Outlets

This type of outlet can be regarded as being outdated. The outlet is used for ungrounded circuits only, and it comes in 15 amps, 125 volts. Though it is easier to install, the outlet is phasing out from the market.

Three Prong Outlets

The power range of this outlet is 15 amps, 125 volts but it has more slots than the double prong outlet, and it is safer to use.

Outlet with Switch

This outlet can be seen in the kiddies room because of safety and double functionalities. In some older hotel designs, it is placed at the edge of the bed so the occupant can easily reach it

The GFCI Outlet

The Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter outlets are designed to be used in water-prone areas like the laundry, bathrooms, etc. to monitor or prevent electrical leakages. This outlet is primarily used for safety because it automatically identifies when there is current leakages and shuts off the flow of current. It comes in different designs and sizes with two small buttons in the center

High Current Outlets

These are power outlets within the range of 20 amp, 125 volts meant to be used for electrical cookers and microwaves in the kitchen, and they should be installed by an electrician who understands electrical codes. The other type of advanced outlets is the 20 amp, 250 volts used for air compressors and conditioners. They can also be used for industrial purposes. You should contact Mr. Electric of Fort Worth for expert advice and installation

Contemporary Outlets

These are outlets designed to fit the need of the modern person with amazing functionalities. These outlets can be installed only when you understand the electrical codes.

USB Outlets

Designed to be used for computers, phones, and other micro appliances, the USB outlets are simple and highly functional but should be handled with care

Recessed outlets

These are smart outlets that help you to manage space they come in different colors that may match the color of your wall.

There are other outlets like the Temper Resistant Receptacles and the Built In Led Night outlets for those who like flashy gadgets

Some people may find it difficult to change their outlets or if youre doing home remodeling, it is good that you change the older outlets to the ones that are beautiful and functional and you will be glad to contact Mr. Electric of Fort Worth of for efficient, timely and exceptional services